Now usually, you would find this type of post in the Connected Minds Section of the Loyal African Minds website but I have found it very necessary in these times to Connect Spirituality with Technology in a way that actually works! The marriage of technical logic and Spiritual wisdom and morality must happen if we are to solve the very complex issues we face today in the year 2020 and beyond. That is the very purpose of Daily Digital Connection. Religion has slowed progress and taken away the ability to live fully and authentically. Modern technology has hampered REAL Connection. “We are all Connected in the great Circle of Life. Spiritual Technology is here to fill in the gaps and provide real solutions to our very real problems:
P.S. most of the Daily Digital Connection episodes are fro members only. For more information on membership, please schedule a Connection Session by CLICKING HERE
“Just Go!” Don't Stop.
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October 5, 2020 at 4:14 pm
This seemed really interesting and at first, I was really surprised at seeing the title if this article but as u read the little write up there, with how you have explained it all, I have to admit that you have a very valid point and people need to get that connection again and see how the world be a better place
October 6, 2020 at 5:20 am
Thank you for taking the time to drop a comment. We are on the same page and that is a big positive. “Just Go!” Don’t Stop.
October 5, 2020 at 4:16 pm
I am looking forward to seeing more from you here. Though many have preconceived notion about spirituality and what would pass for it when mentioned but there has always been this disparity between it and staying on the path of technology. Hence it interests me to see how they can be blended well enough. Good one here
October 6, 2020 at 5:18 am
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to Connect and engage with my content. I really appreciate it. “Just Go!” Don’t Stop.