The Story

The Story

The Story

Meet Northern California's Insurance & Real Estate Connection | Taquee Hicks




I became “The Connection” by losing everything (money, friends, etc.) that I thought I was and thought I possessed to becoming the pure energy of thought that I later realized was Connected in Love.

I continue to ALWAYS BE CONNECTING through:


Connected Minds is one of the most Connected and engaged groups on Facebook. One of the many foolish things the social media age has wrought is the inability to discuss compelling ideas that result in a single cohesive thought. Sadly, it’s how a lot of people have come to understand and discuss complex truths — through bursts of cursory statements that only lead to other, unrelated discussions. it doesn’t really make for productive Connections. Great minds Connect and know Everything is Connected. Connect your mind to greatness. Every journey to greatness begins with mindset and awareness. The energy of the Mind is the essence of Life.

On a deeper level, Connected Minds refers to the connected harmony of the 8 mind centers (also known as chakras) Although most people only acknowledge 7 of these minds, there is an eighth one that inhabits a higher dimension.

Connect deeper and you will see.

The Connected Ministry Association was created to educate the public on the power of Connection, the mind and the Hustle for freedom. We accomplish this by advertising and selling products which Connect and improve the mind, elevate awareness and create sustainable, location independent money sources to raise self – sufficiency.

Utilization of these two Connections is the key to The Connection…


My Purpose is to Connect Minds with Higher Technologies, Resources and People to solve REAL problems.

For most of my life, I have struggled financially, failed in numerous businesses & even was partially homeless at one point, waking up with lint & roaches in my pockets, standing in soup kitchen lines and crying at night. I upgraded to sleeping in my car with my family as PTSD, depression, diabetes, hypertension and stress became my identity. Desperately searching for ways to make REAL money to care for my family, I almost got caught up in the deadly game that led to my closest brother's murder (still unsolved) and added to the PTSD and depression placing me in a BICU (Behavior Intensive Care Unit) Blame and shame were my constant companions. My attempts to seek answers from religion resulted in getting caught up in a church with very evil intentions. (I wrote about this here) I know what it feels like to lose just about everything (including my mind) to the point where my office became the public library and Kinko's (which I still use occasionally) I'm asking clients to pay me in cash because my bank account was so negative.

I had tried everything – I had failed at so many businesses, and I was barely scraping by. My family and I (including my dog) was living in an Extended Stay hotel and things were looking pretty bleak.

I remembered those 2 words spoken into my soul at my lowest point: “JUST GO!”

…then, something amazing happened. I started making Connections. I Connected with a multimillionaire who changed my life completely! He showed me how to shift my awareness, make money online, and realize my Life is an amazing journey!

My Connection with a multimillionaire was the missing piece I needed to complete The Connection.


The Story

I met Mike Barron who saw potential in me, and completely changed my life. He gave me the missing pieces to success that I was lacking raising my awareness, trained and certified me in closing high-ticket deals and gave me access to the tools, resources and an army of certified high-ticket sales closers at my disposal to start my own agency! I can’t believe how much my life has changed – and all because of CONNECTION.


The Story

Passion to help others thrive by every means necessary using my Connections, Tools, Strategies and Connected Minds.


I AM the gateway to transforming your aspirations into achievements. With a knack for fostering a Connected Mindset, I specialize in bridging you with the crème de la crème of Financial Services, ensuring your strategy is not just effective but simple. In Real Estate, I link you with market leaders and uncommon strategies that amplify your portfolio. My expertise in Business Services opens doors to top-tier professionals and resources that streamline your operations and catalyze growth.

The Story
Surrounded by Winners

Schedule a Connection Session


The Story









Taq'uee Hicks “The Connection”

Mobile Resource Connection Specialist


“Just Go!” Don't Stop

P.S. Finding the Connection in all things has transformed my whole Life. This inspired me to write the book, The Connection. Check it out here: The Connection

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