Where is The Future Going?

Where is The Future Going?

Where is The Future Going?

Still on the fence about the mobile marketing game? According to recent estimates from eMarketer, approximately 75% of 12- to 17-year-olds in the U.S. own a smartphone. Another survey by Flagship Research puts the number at 87% for 14- to 18-year-olds. At the time of my writing this, these figures will be going up!

It's not hard to tell where our world is going. The youth get it and the youth ARE THE FUTURE! and they are spending more than 9 hours a day in front of these screens. My teenagers spend about 10 hours a day. As annoying as it does become from time to time, it is what it is and it is growing. If you do not see the need to moving your business efforts to that of an iHustler, it may be time for a new prescription of eye-wear.

I don't have to understand how mobile and social media marketing will soon dominate all other means of marketing. I just need to understand that it will. Understanding the demographics and habits of your target audience is key. If, like us, your message is geared toward a younger audience, (and it should if you plan on not becoming a dinosaur) leverage the power of mobile, email marketing and social media platforms. it is a “No-Brainer”

Optimize your engagement.

With today’s powerful smartphones, you can access just about anything in the palm of your hand. That's #mobilehustleology and that is what is at the core of being an iHustler. Everything is moving to the “on-the go” platform. It is what the market wants and what the market wants, the market gets. The SMS platform is the Giant that most marketing campaigns are sleeping on right now. Don't underestimate the power of using SMS in your marketing especially when it comes to the younger generation. Just observing the behaviors of my own teenagers, I have concluded that they are much more engaged in SMS than any other platform to the tune of more than double that of email and social media combined.

Step your game up.

Just Go!” Don't Stop

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Where is The Future Going?

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