The Hustler’s Code

The Hustler's Code

The Hustler’s Code

It's mind-blowing how so many people want to call themselves a “Hustler” these days. It has become more of a cliche than an actual fact. Everybody loves the ending. It's inspiring. BUT, It's the blood, sweat, tears, failures, setbacks and learning curves that only true Hustlers are willing to endure as they hustle in silence.

It's the reality of what you are going through presently that must be accepted as you push through to your desired goals. It's the mindset that can see/create the reality you are desiring in the midst of the appearance the Matrix is projecting. It's when you let go of hoping and wishing and commence to doing! It's when you eliminate wanting, needing and waiting to live your life and realize that NOW is all there is. It is when you begin to focus on having, allowing and accepting your life as is because you realize that it is YOU that has created it and therefore ONLY YOU can change it. You stop blaming situations and invisible forces for your life's current condition.


It's coming to the realization that all the things you been claiming you know but do not apply is indication that you do not actually know like “paying yourself first” is the first step to becoming wealthy (The Richest Man in Babylon) It is when your understanding begins to dissolve your fears and you desire to fail more in order to succeed even more! It is the awakening to the fact that the Universe will provide for you in proportion to your helping others even when you appear to be at your lowest point. It is what I mean when I say “helping others as I go through it myself.” 

The Hustler's Code

As I am writing this, I am currently going through an apparent “Hell on Earth” Believe me when I tell you that the “apparent” struggle is real! So “apparently” real that I can feel it in the core of my being. Physical and emotional pain that is warring for my attention at each moment that I let my focus slip for the slightest second. Financial woes that want me to accept defeat, give up, and go to bed. Immense challenges to test my heart around every corner. Reminders of how things did not work out the last time. Constant tauntings from the demons we never really totally defeat but just learn to live above. The naysayers that make it their duty to constantly attempt to discourage my efforts. The resurfacing of past doubts that I let hinder me in the past.


Lastly, there is the “apparent” feeling that I am out here all alone, by myself against an enormous world of frightening events and situations, fake news, real news (mostly bad) “apparent” worries, opinions and negativity…

The Hustler's Code

In ALL this, you may have noticed my use of the word “apparent” It is not by accident that I have used this word. I use it intentionally to remind myself of something I have learned from great people to question my perception of reality and truth. one of which is Steve Pavlina who said “Our beliefs act as lenses. These lenses can help us see things we can't otherwise see, but they can also block us from seeing parts of reality.” 


…and then there's Wallace Wattles who taught me “Every hour in every moment that you spend in giving heed to doubts and fears, every hour you spend in worry, every hour in which your soul is possessed by unbelief – sets a current away from you through the whole domain of intelligent substance.”


So I know that it is the thoughts that are the starting point of the results that I desire on this journey. A good example to understand this concept a little better can be found by watching the movie The Matrix (one of my favorites) where it is revealed that there are actually two worlds that exists:


1.The Outer World (apparent)

2.The Inner World (the truth within)


So it is the creative power that is within us that makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention to. When I became aware of this, I was able to see that I am the cause of my own environment. I realize that it is my inner world that is creating my outer world on this journey. It is the seed on the inside that will grow into the tree on the outside.


The journey is my hustle and my hustle is the journey. My life's journey is everything, and every day I am either repeating the mistakes of my pass by letting my mind get in the way and keep me where I am or I exceed my potential either by a little bit or a lot. Either way, every day I am excited about this journey.


As Wallace Wattles also explains: “To set about getting rich in a scientific way, you do not try to apply your will power to anything outside yourself. To get rich, you need only to use your will power upon yourself.”


For this, I have created a simple recipe in which I follow on a daily basis:

Wake Up, Say a Prayer and Hustle Daily


I actually pray at least 5 times a day and a particular prayer I make sure to make a part of the recipe is The Hustler's Prayer, “Just Go!” which is automatically engaged every time I visit this website (  


That is MY iHustle

feel free to share your Hustle or inspirations/motivations below

iHustlers 4Life!


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The Hustler's Code


Rebekah Carter

June 12, 2017 at 5:59 pm

Wow how inspiring! Thank you so much for your post! I really loved your video it opened up to! That really caught my attention right off the bat and made me want to read! Great post!


    Digital Wisdom

    June 12, 2017 at 6:39 pm

    Thank you for checking us out, Rebekah! I believe if I can change myself, I can change the world. We all can!



June 12, 2017 at 6:49 pm

One more WOW!! I feel like I just finished reading ‘Me’! Sometimes we wonder and other times we just do. Just before clicking onto your wonderful site I was thinking in my head, just keep monkeying around looking at other people’s stuff so you don’t have to deal with yourself right this minute!! My procrastination has become apparent but then, I had not done the one more site to see, I would not have found your inspiration today. Thank you. I saw where you have read the ‘Richest Man in Babylon’ as well. It is an amazing book that stands the test of time.


    Digital Wisdom

    June 12, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    Thank you, Merry. I believe when we really reveal our true inner self, we see that we are ALL the same in fact, we are ALL ONE.


Ronnie Jordan

June 12, 2017 at 6:55 pm

Very interesting article. My inner truth is what inspires me. I learned over the years that I can spend time on wondering or I can be honest with myself. And when I am honest with myself with whatever it is, I am not afraid to take steps. Great writing.


    Digital Wisdom

    June 12, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    That is so true, Ronnie. Our inner world creates our outer world. (learned that from Millionaire Mindset)



June 12, 2017 at 8:24 pm

I could not agree more, Taquee. Fear and doubt is what stops me from moving forward at times. Particularly last year, when I was at the very beginning of my online entrepreneurial business, I could have moved at a faster pace, had I not given in to fear and self doubt. Biggest mistake ever! I have learned, when starting having confidence ‘wobbles’, do not stop but force yourself to move forward to get through that mind block hurdle.
Thanks for a most interesting reading!


    Digital Wisdom

    June 12, 2017 at 9:21 pm

    That is encouraging to know how you pressed through the mess. Thank you, Giulia!



June 12, 2017 at 10:10 pm

You have strengthened my inner thoughts positively, very inspirational. I just couldn’t stop reading this post. I have watched videos of people who label themselves hustlers, but never see things the way you have opened up in this article. “The Hustler’s Prayer” sounds like a good title for a book. You certainly have a story to tell. Where can I buy “Richest Man in Babylon” for the cheapest price? Sounds like it will make a good read.



    June 12, 2017 at 10:32 pm

    Thank you for the idea, Carol. As far as I know, Amazon will probably have a really cheap Kindle version of the book The Richest Man in Babylon. While you are there, might as well pick up a copy of Wallace Wattles The Science of Getting Rich too!



June 12, 2017 at 10:14 pm

This site is so DOPE. So inspiring and uplifting that I can say I really enjoy this page. I know every body breaks down for a fact. So stopping by this page would really make your day. I’ve read the part about the movie the Matrix which i thought was a great example of how we live in 2 different worlds.

Good luck on your journey to inspiring people



    June 12, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving such encouraging words, Dasia. It is people like yourself who help fuel my inner drive.


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