The Biggest Mobile Marketing Deal of 2018

Best Mobile Marketing Deal

The Biggest Mobile Marketing Deal of 2018

Still sleeping on the power of Mobile Marketing?

Starting Monday, December 3rd between 3 and 5pm

eastern, we will be turning on this new system.


This new way of using your Beacons to advertise will increase your views
and that should increase your clicks as well.
We will now be showing your ads on ALL cell phones including…
iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc….
Your ad will also show on Tablets, computers and more.
You can also create a Graphic ad now This is
a 325 X 325 ad that will show on any phone.

Here's how the system works:

When you create your ad or message it is sent to all the phones, tablets, etc.
within the radius of the Beacons transmission. It is then transmitted through
the internet and is placed/attached to an App Rotator. This App Rotator has,
at any given time, between 1 to 2 million apps in it. Your ad/message is attached
to one of those apps that is in the current app rotator and when that app is opened
by the people that have received your Beacon Transmission, it's displayed on their
device. This could happen instantly, weeks later or even months later.
We will also be using Fencing Technology. That means that your ad will be
seen by people within a 50 mile radius of your beacon and/or your zip code.
AS A BONUS: By using this Fencing Technology, the company that we have
contracted with is also advertising your ad/message to thousands of people
within your Fencing radius!
So this means not only are you receiving your Beacon views and clicks but
you are also receiving, at no additional cost, Radius Targeted Online Advertising.
If you did this kind of advertising yourself, it could cost you thousands per month!
And before you ask, YES, this will work WORLD WIDE
….what's that?
.…you don't have one of these beacons?
I suggest you get you one now. You already know it's amazingly affordable if I'm promoting it. I'm talking 1/5 of your current advertising budget.

“Just Go!” Don't Stop.

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The Biggest Mobile Marketing Deal of 2018

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