Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life

Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life

Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life

Have you ever thought about the connections in your life? We are all connected in some way, shape, or form. But the question is, how do we use these connections to our advantage? How do we reach our highest potential and manifest our deepest desires? The answer lies in the power of connected consciousness. When all your 8 Chakras are connected and in harmony with each other, miracles become inevitable. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which you can raise your connected consciousness by exploring the power of your connections in life.

Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life

The first step towards raising your connected consciousness is to understand the nature of your connections. Our physical bodies are made up of bio-electric frequencies that radiate outward like an aura. These frequencies act as a bridge between our physical bodies and the universe, connecting us with the sub-atomic/quantum particles that our bodies and minds produce through thinking and feeling. Think of these frequencies as the energy that flows through us, connecting us with the world around us.

Now that we understand the nature of our connections, the next step is to take the time to explore them. Many of us subscribe to “tribal” thinking, or the thinking of the masses. We believe what we've been told by social, political, religious, and other authority figures. But true connected consciousness comes from critical thinking. It comes from learning to think for ourselves and breaking away from the constraints of tribal thinking. To do this, we must explore our connections, challenge our beliefs, and think critically about the world around us.

The third step towards raising our connected consciousness is to cultivate positivity and love in our lives. When we radiate positive energy, we attract positivity in return. This positivity can come in the form of supportive relationships, opportunities, and experiences that align with our highest good. On the other hand, negativity and fear can block our connections and keep us from reaching our highest potential. Focus on cultivating love and positivity in your life and watch as your connections begin to flourish.

Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life

The fourth step towards raising connected consciousness is to practice mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness helps us to stay grounded in the present moment, allowing us to connect more fully with our surroundings. Meditation helps us to quiet our minds and connect with our higher selves, raising our vibrational frequency and improving our overall well-being. Incorporating mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily routine can help you to stay connected and raise your connected consciousness.

Lastly, it's important to remember that raising connected consciousness is a lifelong journey. It requires dedication, commitment, and an open mind. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves to grow and evolve. But the rewards are immeasurable. As we raise our connected consciousness, we become more aligned with our true selves. We attract more positivity and abundance into our lives. And we become powerful co-creators of our own reality.

In conclusion, the power of connected consciousness lies in the connections we make in our lives. By understanding the nature of our connections, exploring our beliefs, cultivating positivity and love, and practicing mindfulness and meditation, we can raise our connected consciousness and manifest our deepest desires. Remember that this is a journey, not a destination. Stay committed to your growth, and watch as miracles become inevitable. Are you ready to raise your connected consciousness? It all starts with exploring the power of your connections in life.



“Just Go!” Don't Stop

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Raising Connected Consciousness: Exploring the Power of Your Connections in Life
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1 year ago

Although I have heard about the different chakras, and how they influence and play a big role in our lives, I have not come across the term of connected consciousness before. So it was very interesting to read about these steps that one can use to explore the power of connections in your life. 

I very much believe in the power of positive thinking, and good thoughts and positive actions, attract the same. I do practice meditation and mindfulness through crafts, so it is good to see the full circle where they all come together in connected consciousness.

Digital Wisdom
1 year ago
Reply to  LineCowley

Thank you for Connecting. “Just Go!” Don’t Stop.

1 year ago

Not only is it a lifelong journey, but it’s the lifelong journey we all came here to make — to push the envelope of what our souls are capable of.  

Critical thinking is such a rare thing these days.  With the advances in technology and instant access to all the information known to humanity available at the slightest touch to a mobile phone screen, most people are getting lazy and complacent.  Why think at all, let alone critically, when there are endless “authorities” desperate to TELL you what to think?  And they believe them, too.  Regardless of how obviously they are lying.  Critical thinking requires a level of courage — heart – that is being systematically worn down.  And nobody questions it.  They just proceed towards softer and softer lives with nobody ever saying anything that might be taken the wrong way by anybody, ever.  It’s pathetic.

Positivity and Love are so important.  But not the toxic positivity that so many subscribe to.  The fake positivity.  Where everything is “good” no matter if it’s bad.  Real positivity is as challenging as real Critical Thinking.  There is so much working against it.  I mean, sometimes, when I thought I was finding the silver lining in a cloud, all I was really doing was affirming the cloud.  And sure enough, it kept being cloudy.

Meditation REALLY gets a person down to the nitty gritty.  The REAL nitty gritty.  Spiritualty is not some wishy washy woo-woo, where nothing ever goes wrong and there are never difficult feelings to deal with.  It’s right in there with all that painful stuff, finding a connection to Source…feeling the Love of Source…all the way through to a breakthrough.  However long that takes.  This way the negative and artificial conditioning that has been ruining our lives, and the lives of those we love, can finally resolve in a real way that enables real change.

Thanks for letting me rant!



Digital Wisdom
1 year ago
Reply to  Anna

I really love the way you think. Thank you for Connecting and sharing your insight. “Just Go!” Don’t Stop.

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