Excerpts from A Hustler’s Journal

Excerpts from A Hustler's Journal

Excerpts from A Hustler’s Journal

Excerpts from A Hustler's Journal

Hustle Hard Daily

I hustle hard every day to make my life better. When I tell people that I hustle or that I'm a Hustler, some people get the wrong ideas so let me just state for the record: I DON'T DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL. I am a 100% Legal Hustler who hustles hard daily and this is one of several posts I intend to make to chronicle my thoughts while on my Hustler's journey.  I have learned from a very wise Hustler that one should journal the events in one's life to help speed the learning process by helping your mind see things in different ways, build more neurons and absorb the things you are trying to learn. Then you can return to those events and see your progress.  I hustle daily to see progress in every area of my life. iHustledaily.org is about using mobile technology to aid me and my fellow hustlers in our various hustles to be successful.

These are excerpts from such a journal that I call The Hustler's Black Book Online. It is a record I keep of events in my own life.  The life of a Hustler. This helps to assist my growth and hopefully the growth of someone reading.  Therefore I share here.  (as well as tweet here: www.twitter.com/digitalwisdom) my “Digital Wisdom”

I am happy and grateful for what I have achieved and I am eager to achieve much more. That being said, let's begin with lessons I have learned or am still learning 🙂


My mind is like my Mini Cooper:

Excerpts from A Hustler's Journal

Recently, it rained here in sunny California continuously for about a week straight  causing floods in various places and on the roads especially. I drive a Mini Cooper which has a very low profile. The exhaust sits very low. One particular day I decided to go through one of the flooded areas in this vehicle.  I watched as a couple of SUVs made it through. Then it was my turn. My strategy was to roll through slowly. I almost made the mistake of letting off the gas completely and just coasting through it  but I felt the car start to hesitate and so I gave it a little gas to make it through. Later at the auto repair shop while having my other vehicle maintained, I learned that I could have caused a $10,000 problem.

You see, because of the low sitting exhaust on the vehicle, when you let off of the gas the exhaust actually sucks in like a vacuum. Kinda  the same way our minds work like a vacuum. If you don't make the continued effort (keep your foot on the gas) to put the right things into your mind, then your ego will fill the void with whatever it sucks in.

F.Y.I: Where your mind goes, your life follows.


thanks for reading, drop us your comments below!









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Excerpts from A Hustler's Journal



January 21, 2017 at 3:31 am

Wow. This is a great anaolgy. You’really right. I told this to my children when they were young and I’m telling it to my grandchildren now. This is an important principles of learning and what we Choose to absorb or suck in.



January 21, 2017 at 4:23 am


VERY WELL SAID. I had no idea you would actually put water in there. Crazy. The whole journal thing is a great idea as well. I think I will get started on that, progress is great. Nice post.


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 7:50 pm

    Oh no! I didn’t put water in my exhaust. I would never do that although I almost did in my ignorance.



January 21, 2017 at 4:35 am

Wow, that was an awesome analogy. And that totally sucks about your mini-cooper. But that post definitely gave me the ‘fuel’ to press on and not give up. And honestly, that may be part of what is going on with me right now, so that analogy cam at an awesome time in my week. I will keep that analogy going in my head and share it continuously. Cheers.


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the comment! Fortunately, I did not let up off the gas long enough for my exhaust to start sucking water so the Cooper is just fine.



January 21, 2017 at 4:53 am

I think one of the keys to being able to learn more is to stay humble because it will help you to have the right attitude towards learning and it will help to prevent you from becoming arrogant.

I really like the analogy that you have drawn here from your experience with your car, I think it explains very well that if you don’t fill your mind with the right stuff then the ego will fill the void.

You become proud and think you know it all but in fact it’s the opposite, so it helps to stay humble, have the right attitude and learn the right stuff.



January 21, 2017 at 5:58 am

It is good to stop and think and to find ways that you can make life more easy, we may look at people and seeing them make it, it may not be that they may have a lot of money but it may be that life has taught them alot so what they do is build on what life hve taught them for a better life. We live and we learn, life is and open book so lets read and learn especially from our experience.


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 7:54 pm

    Thanks Norman, you hit it right on the button, we are all in the classroom of life!



January 21, 2017 at 6:06 pm

One thing I always keep in mind is a phrase that I, oddly enough, heard online one day: Motivation is just like bathing, you need it at least once a day.
Growth is a continuos thing and those that end up limp are the ones that forget that simple fact. NIt’s a balancing act between the body and the mind wouldn’t you agree?


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 7:44 pm

    Well said and I definitely agree with that.



January 21, 2017 at 6:09 pm

Love the “My mind is like a Mini Cooper!” We become what we think about without a doubt (or as you say it “where your mind goes, your life follows”).

I’m so very glad your Mini Cooper survived going through the floodwaters of California. I’ve had friends cars totally ruined and had firefighters tell me they had to rescue people caught in floodwaters when their cars stopped working. I didn’t know about the gas exhausting sucking in the water like a vacuum. Good to know and avoid.
Thanks for inspiring good thoughts for my mind and inspiring me to journal every day. I like your website! ~ Tam


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    Thank you for your comment. The concept was explained to me a totally different way but this is how my mind got to understand it.



January 21, 2017 at 9:31 pm

Amazing attitude! I have adopted the same mentality, if you want something bad enough, work your butt off and go get it. I really liked your mini cooper analogy, if you let off the gas even for a second, your whole engine or drive can stop and you may not get going again. I will succeed in life and I will not let off the gas! This was a great read!


    Digital Wisdom

    January 21, 2017 at 11:45 pm

    Thanks for the comment, Kenny! We are ALL a motivational source to each other.



January 25, 2017 at 6:24 pm

I’m working diligently to adapt the same mentality you have. it’s good to see blacks promote having a legitimate means of hustling, as the term “hustler” is so popularly used in a negative light.


    Digital Wisdom

    January 26, 2017 at 5:04 pm

    Appreciate your comment, Greg. It’s so cool when people understand the true meaning of a “hustler” instead of the negative image most have. Keep hustlin!


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